This is a rare comment from me, Andy Meddick, owner of G4U Market and Micro-Eco Mini-Me Market Garden Farm.
"You're Welcome." How often we say that and don't even think about what we're saying. You're Welcome. YOU ARE WELCOME - EVERYONE.
I'm breaking a golden rule I have - stay out of community politics and focus on the mission of the G4U business: providing healthy, organic, natural, local, and sustainably sourced food, and great ingredients to our community. From Gourmet to Everyday. G4U: So Much More than a Health Food Store!
By community I mean everyone: regardless of age, gender, gender identity, physical ability, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, sports team, follicular status. Did I leave anyone out? E-mail me (with your contact information!) and let me know you shop at the G4U Market: You are all welcome. Remember we all have to eat. G4U is a food market and market garden farm, providing food that tastes the way it should do. This is our mission and platform. Politics is not our platform. You are missing the point of this business if you try to pull us in that direction.
Again, we all have to eat. We all deserve access to fairly priced, chemical-free food, clean water, clean air, a patch of healthy soil on which to grow our own veggies. The best way to support our community is to support the businesses on which our community depends. Apparently it is NOT OK to some of our community for G4U to advertise on a certain local talk radio station, but it IS OK to listen to it. How else did you hear our ads? I'm not suggesting boycotting the radio station. They are performing a community function too. Bullying me into dropping my ads, or boycotting my business is not the most productive way of supporting a cause. Fight back if someone is mobilising in a direction you do not agree with. Call the radio station and add your voice to the conversation. Call your elected officials. Please do not use my business to express a political concern. Take the fight to the legislature. We have a wonderful gift in this country: the freedom to vote. I am very proud to be Welsh by birth, and American by choice. Do I exercise my right to vote? You betcha!
Again, remember I serve all of our community. We all have to eat. Why eat bland, over-processed, over-priced food elsewhere? Go local with G4U Market and Farm and you will be better fed, and better for it.
Now I need a massage. I'm fired up and ready for a rally when I should be focusing on our great new cheese line! Help me meet my mission and the whole community benefits.
Whoop-de-doo, Andy.
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